
The four pillars of wellbeing
Our wellbeing requires more than just a focus on our attitudes towards life, our ability to regulate and tolerate our emotions or our search for

The acceptance of imperfection: Not being perfect
Often people feel that wellbeing and happiness involve being perfect. However being a well and happy person involves an acknowledgment and acceptance that being “imperfect”

“Creeping normality”: The danger of small-unnoticed steps
Being attentively engaged with our lives and not in an unthinking, mindless autopilot requires an insight into the natural fluctuations and variations that can occur

The myth of positive and negative emotions
You may have seen or heard of emotions being referred to as positive or negative. However, I feel that this might not be a very

Accepting that life contains loss
Life will at times involve loss. It could be the loss of a job, relationship, of heath, our past, our future dreams and aspirations or

All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells, are within you
Viktor Frankl (the creator of Logo therapy) remarked that everything can be taken from a person but for one thing, the last of our human freedoms, the freedom to choose one’s attitude in